Syariah Advisory Services
“Creating Values for Your Islamic Financial Operations”

Tuan Haji

Tuan Haji
Syariah Compliance Audit
- The examination of the whole operation and activities of an Islamic entity resulting in the publication of an independent opinion on whether or not the activities and operation are truly Syariah compliance.
Consultancy on Islamic Products and Business Advisory
- Setting guidelines, providing assistance and undertaking services to meet clients’ needs to be in line with the requirement of Syariah.
Education, Training, Courses, Seminars and Workshops
- Transfer of knowledge and skill on syariah compliance requirements, guidelines and practices.
Research & Development
- Supporting commerce and industry in business development in line with the requirement of syariah.
Publication Of Journals, Books, Magazines and Newsletters
- Dissemination of knowledge for the healthy development of syariah compliant businesses