Corporate Recovery Services
A track record for prompt and considered action

Puan Nalliz Zainal Abidin

Puan Nurul Hana Mohd Zaki
We identify issues in organizations and recommend corrective measures promptly when businesses face financial difficulties.
Our main services in this area are as follows:
Credit Evaluation and Monitoring Support
Providing supplemental service to bankers and lenders in credit analysis and loan monitoring.
Turnaround and Restructuring
Services to assist lenders and corporations to revive ailing businesses and to provide effective schemes and designing new operational processes.
Receiver and Manager
Taking over the management role of businesses to formulate the appropriate strategy to realise assets to the best advantage of the debenture holders and other beneficial parties.
The process of winding up of a company and realising the assets for distribution according to the statutory requirements.
Our professional service competencies include the following:-
- Members’ Voluntary Liquidation (MVL)
- Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation (CVL)
- Compulsory Liquidation by the Court